Adding character to their social media by building an understanding of the brand's vision, mission, and mental health services through educational and mindful content creation and thoughtfully written text elements. Building a strong community, providing a platform and digital space to get help, find answers, or engage with an international mental health community.
We focused on aesthetics and good design to convey complex or stigmatized subjects. Our mission was to show that WePractice is more than just a platform to find psychological support. Through a mixture of elevated imagery, meaningfully composed layouts, and short videos, we wanted to highlight their wide range of actions towards a mentally healthier Switzerland. On a daily basis, we ensure engagement by reaching out to their followers and thus providing mental health support.

WePractice is a platform for mental health that facilitates access to psychological and therapeutic care. WePractice operates an online directory of qualified psychotherapists and psychological counselors, and provides a nationwide network of co-working practices that create an optimal environment for both practitioners and clients. Their mission is to strengthen mental health in Switzerland sustainably by empowering mental health professionals to make the best possible psychological support accessible to everyone.
— WePractice

Producing custom photo shoots for multi-channel use that showcase the brand's values, the people behind it, and their perspective on mental healthcare to fosters a deeper sense of belonging and support. This results in a sense of community, affiliating like-minded individuals.
We brought the WePractice story to life with therapist-driven content production, resulting in emotionally charged imagery combined with short introductory videos of each member for a multi-channel presence. Our approach was to create a high-impact campaign, art directed and color treated to identify and connect with the brand. With the primary goal of visualizing the humane and caring vision behind the brand, we also envisioned reframing the conversation around mental health and therapy.